5623 Tabler Station Road INWOOD, WV 25428
tablerchurch@gmail.com. ALL ARE WELCOME - If you are looking for a church family, we would love for you to come visit us! Pastor Brad Langdon Mariland Lee - Pianist 9:00 am - Worship (children activity packets are available during worship service) - Traditional service with hymns, confession, scripture readings, sermon, and prayers 10:00 am - Sunday School - Fellowship Room Small village culture in a fast-changing world. Mission Statement - We are called by God and organized to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, to minister to the needs of members of the congregation and residents of the community, and to promote peace and justice to the world. Checks can be payable to Tabler Presbyterian Church and sent to Tabler Presbyterian Church 5623 Tabler Station Road Inwood WV 25428 NEW VANCO Mobile Faith Engagement App on your phone, search for Tabler Presbyterian , and give securely through the app. OR through the link www.eservicepayments.com/cgi-bin/Vanco_ver3.vps?appver3=wWsk24ZWJSTZKsGd1RMKlg0BDvsSG3VIWQCPJNNxD8upkiY7JlDavDsozUE7KG0nFx2NSo8LdUKGuGuF396vbSPYSkqIi8PJ0dD4vHd7e1kiYnTg5dP4O6rpX5QvPEWlBhHDN59kLZFffwKfYERpQhzatKxiy3bc4Xumz99m2Rc=&ver=3 Missions - Community Blessing Box Location - Give what you can; Take what you need - Ongoing mission throughout year Drop off items inside the box daily in front of church. Please close the door securely. UPCOMING ACTIVITIES - 2025 Tabler Threads Clothes Closet will be opening on March 8 Saturday from 10 am to 12 noon. Please drop off clothing (gently used) to the church at that time, contact a church member or email the church on the Facebook page. The clothes closet will be open to the public the second Saturday of each month. Please use the side door. Open dates: April 12, May 10, June 14, July 12, Aug. 9, etc. Sermons: Jan 12 - He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and ... Jan 19 - When the wine gave out ... Jan 26 - You are the body of Christ ... Feb 2 - But the truth is ... Feb 9 - The call Feb 16 - But in fact, Christ has been raised ... Feb 23 - Love your enemies, do good, and ... Mar 2 - It is by God's mercy - Communion Mar 9 - He was tempted by the devil Mar 16 - Wait for the Lord Mar 23 - Seek the Lord ... Mar 30 - Be reconciled to God Ap 6 - I want to know Christ Ap 13 - He humbled himself Ap 20 - He is not here, but has risen Ap 27 - Blessed are those who ... believe Tabler Church is a Matthew 25 church: Jesus calls us to act boldly and compassionately to serve people who are hungry, oppressed, imprisoned and poor. By joining us on this journey, we are uniting in common mission to become a more relevant presence in the world. www.facebook.com/groups/matthew25pcusa/ Aging and senior care resources: www.caring.com/senior-care/in-home-care/west-virginia/ Tabler Church Facebook Live of the Service after announcements. Contact us with the icons below:
A warm welcome to all. |
Remember that community-based country church of the past? It's still alive today in Inwood, West Virginia. And it's less than a mile from Interstate 81. Take exit 8 to Business Park Drive. Right hand turn at Route 11. Right hand turn on Tabler Station Road.
At Tabler Presbyterian Church, our historic identity and small village culture help us manage the fast-changing world. Join us for a worship service Sunday mornings at 9:00 or on Facebook Live after announcements. |
Visit us.
5623 Tabler Station Road Inwood, WV 25428 |
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